b'But these behavioral reasons alone do not explain the degree to which mentalhealth aects physical health. Researchers have found mental health conditions canalso cause these physical changes:Signs of increased inammation Changes in the control of heart rate and blood circulation Abnormalities in stress hormones Metabolic changes typical of those seen in people at risk for diabetes In short, mental illness causes physical changes that aect the way your bodyfunctions. Getting treatment can help to return your body to the proper balance, andhelp you achieve healthy behaviors.When to Get Help Having an emotional response to MS is completely normal and expected. Thisemotional response can happen not only at the time of diagnosis, but every timeyou must adjust to a new way MS is aecting your life.Normal emotional responses can range from a feeling of the blues to deeperemotional reactions that may be expressed as grief, anger, fear, or anxiety. The extentto which those negative emotions will aect the person with MS is going to vary inthe same way that the physical symptoms will vary from person to person. For somepeople, the negative emotions will be like a passing storm. They will pass as the personwith MS adjusts their expectations to their new reality. For others however, thenegative emotions will have a longer, more lasting eect, and that could just as easilyhave its roots in the physical dimensions of the disease. So how do you know if youve crossed the line from normal emotional responseto mental health condition? Ask yourself a few questions:Has this problem lasted more than a few weeks?Yes NoIs it aecting my sleep (sleeping too much or too little)? Yes NoHas it aected my appetite (eating too much or too little)?Yes NoHave my energy levels suddenly changed? Yes NoHave I changed my routine or stopped certain activities Yes Nobecause of how I feel emotionally?Is it aecting how I function at work, school, or home?Yes NoIs it aecting my ability to get along with others? Yes NoIs it aecting my sex life? Yes NoHave family or friends commented on a change in Yes Nomy mood or behavior?Do my emotional responses feel disconnected from whats going on Yes Noaround me?Do I feel out of control? Yes No10'