b'If you answered yes to two or more of these questions, it is time to speak to ahealthcare provider about your concerns. Also, if you are experiencing thoughts ofharming yourself or others, please speak to a healthcare provider immediately.There is real help available. IIGGeettBByy What if you consistently feel down, angry, or anxious, but its not aectingyour day-to-day life? You may feel since you are managing on your own, thatyou do not need to seek treatment. But remember, poor mental health changesyour bodys chemical balance, altering hormones and neurochemicals in away that can put you at risk for physical problems. So feeling better emotionallywill both improve your quality of life and decrease your risk of physical healthproblems down the line. Maintaining good mental health is essential foreveryone.RReessoouurrcceessThe National Alliance on Mental Illnesshttps://www.nami.org/Learn-More/Mental-Health-Conditions This nonprot alliance provides information on various conditions andtheir treatments. NAMI also has a helpline that oers free assistance and advice24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can reach the helpline at 800-950-6264or text NAMI to 741741.The American Foundation for Suicide Preventionhttps://afsp.org/ AFSP oers a crisis hotline, as well as other resources for people who aresuicidal, those who have survived a suicide attempt, and those who have losta loved one to suicide. 11'