b'SSyymmppttoommssooffPPBBAA Frequent, uncontrollable outbursts of laughing or crying Laughing or crying that does not match the emotion you are feeling Laughing or crying that goes on for longer than the emotional stimulusmerits (for example, when something mildly funny causes you to laugh for avery long time) Frequent crying where your mood returns to normal in between bouts (asopposed to depression, where sadness persists)Personality Changes MS can cause unexpected changes to behavior and mood, sometimes in waysso fundamental they can be said to change a persons personality or character.Certain personality changes have been linked with lesions in particular areas of thebrain. For example, lesions in the orbital-frontal-subcortical area of the brain cancause uninhibited and socially inappropriate behavior, while lesions in the cingular-anterior-subcortical area are linked to apathetic and indierent behavior.Its thought about 3 percent of people with MS experience personality changes,although this gure may be under-reported. Though these symptoms are relativelyrare, personality changes caused by MS can have a major eect on the lives of thosewho experience them. Oftentimes, the person experiencing the personality changemay be unaware their mood or behavior is altered. Family and friends are morelikely to observe the dierence, but may not understand that the alteration is causedby MS.Personality changes may include the following:Rapid mood swingsA person experiencing mood swings, or emotional lability, may have exaggeratedemotional responses. They may laugh, cry, or become angry very quickly, but unlikepseudobulbar aect, these emotional outbursts are typically related to what is goingon in the moment. Irritability and AngerA person may become easily irritated or lose their temper. Someone formerly mild-tempered may develop a short fuse. A person who rarely raised their voice maystart yelling with little provocation. Blunted emotionsA person with blunted, or weakened, emotions may experience their feelings withless intensity than before, or in acute cases, nd themselves unable to summon any emotional response. 6'