b'for all forms of complementary alternative medicine for mental health and havelong been used as part of mental health treatment. Animal-assisted Therapies From equine (horse) therapy to dolphin encounters to pet ownership, there are avariety of animal-assisted therapies. These therapies involve interaction between aperson and an animal, often with the assistance of an animal handler, to achieve atherapeutic goal. Animal-assisted therapy has shown benet in depressive disorders,anxiety and stress management, and schizophrenia. Herbal Treatments There is some evidence, though limited, to support the eectiveness of certainherbal therapies, such as St. Johns Wort for depression or valerian for anxiety. If youprefer to try an herbal remedy before trying a prescription drug, you must discussthat with your doctor for your safety. Both these herbal treatments have the potentialfor serious drug interactions, as any herbal treatment may.Herbal remedies for mental health should not be used without (1) a properdiagnosis and evidence the remedy works for that diagnosis, and (2) discussion withboth your doctor and pharmacist about any possible interactions or side eects. Donot self-diagnose, as mental health conditions can be complicated in MS.Never combine herbal mental health treatments with prescription mental healthmedications without express instructions from a doctor on how to do so safely. Incombination, these can have life-threatening side eects. ResourcesMS Focus YouTube ChannelHealth and Wellness Playlisthttp://msfocus.us/WellVids Find videos on the whole spectrum of health and wellness topics, includingprograms on managing mental health, and workshops on many of the complementaryalternative treatments mentioned here.MS Focus Order Page for Free Publicationshttps://msfocus.org/Get-Educated/Educational-materials/Booklets Receive titles such as Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Peoplewith MS, Lets Find Better Days, The Fitness Prescription, and Food to Fight MSat no charge. 20'