b'Get Involved Now This National MS Education and Awareness Month is a great opportunity to getinvolved. Heres how.Follow our lead. MS Focus has taken this opportunity to ask, Are You Okay? Checkin on your friends and family to ask them the same question. Support them inmanaging their stress or seeking help.Educate yourself. Participate in our online educational programs to learn moreabout various mental health conditions and strategies for maintaining your mentalhealth. See the calendar of events on the next page.Speak to your legislators. Research and access to care is critical for people with MS not only in terms of mental health treatment, but in terms of treating the diseaseitself. Consider this: if MS can cause mental health conditions, then stopping thedisease in its tracks could mean preventing mental illness in people with MS. Thismeans disease-modifying therapies and research into an MS cure are importanttools in the ght against mental illness. Join us in the fight to break down stigma about MS and mental health. Getinvolved now!All our NMSEAM activities, including this book, and the followingprograms are being sponsored by with support from:25'