b'Anxiety Anxietya persistent state of worry or fearis signicantly more common inpeople with MS than it is in the general public. Research suggests 30 to 60 percentof people with MS experience noticeable anxiety, while 13 to 31 percent experienceanxiety disorders. Rates of anxiety are higher in women with MS than in men.TTyyppeessooffAAnnxxiieettyyDDiissoorrddeerrssThe majority of people with MS who experience anxiety disorders arediagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, which is defined as a state ofpersistent and excessive worry about two or more areas of life (health, nances,relationships, work, etc.). However, there is also an increased incidence of panicattack disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder among people with multiplesclerosis. If you feel worried, afraid, or panicky and these feelings are interfering withyour daily life, speak to your doctor about anxiety disorders. Like depression, anxiety can be a typical emotional response to an MS diagnosis.However, anxiety can persist after the adjustment period in many people with MS,indicating MS itself may be the cause. Anxiety also tends to appear more frequentlyin people with MS who experience depression.Untreated anxiety can also lead to, or worsen, other mental and physical conditions,such as substance abuse, insomnia, digestive or bowel problems, headaches, fatigue,chronic pain, and suicidal thoughts. In severe cases, it can lead to social isolation,problems functioning at work or school, and decreased quality of life. Sadly, anxiety is underdiagnosed and undertreated in MS. If you are experiencing thesymptoms of anxiety, its important to be evaluated by a knowledgeable professional. SSyymmppttoommssooffAAnnxxiieettyy Feeling nervous, restless, or tense Having a sense of impending danger, panic, or doom Having an increased heart rate Breathing rapidly (hyperventilation) Sweating Trembling Feeling weak or tired Trouble concentrating or thinking about anything other than the present worry Having trouble sleeping Experiencing gastrointestinal problems Having diculty controlling worry Having the urge to avoid things that trigger anxiety4'