b'RReessoouurrcceessMental Health AmericaPublic Policyhttps://www.mhanational.org/policy-issues Find a list of priorities, legislation that has been introduced, and positionstatementsonvariousissuessurroundingmentalhealth.Oersanemailnewsletter to receive action alerts.American Foundation for Suicide PreventionPublic Policy Action Centerhttps://afsp.org/public-policy-action-center#/ Contains a list of current Federal and state legislation aecting people whomay be suicidal. The Take Action button on each issue allows you to cus-tomize a letter to your representatives directly from the page. National Alliance on Mental HealthAction Centerhttps://nami.quorum.us/action_center/ Learn about issues, share your story, and sign petitions all from the ActionCenter page. Also oers a newsletter to receive action alerts. The IssuesWhat are some of the issues that exist on the institutional level?Early Detection and TreatmentSomething as simple as a quick mental health questionnaire at a persons annualphysical could make a dierence in how often and how quickly people receivetreatment for mental illnesses. Access to CareProviding better, more aordable healthcare is vital. This is particularly true forvulnerable populations, including veterans, the disabled, children, and peoplewith low income. Funding for ResearchOne in ve Americans will have a mental health condition in their lifetime.Research into causes, treatments, and cures for mental health conditions shouldbe a priority for legislators.24'