b'Whichever the case, nding ways to manage your stress is essential to lowering stress hormones and inflammation and, therefore, nurturing your immune system to perform efficiently. MMaannaaggiinnggSSttrreessss11IIddeennttiiffyyiinnggyyoouurrssttrreessssoorrssWhen you can identify the things, situations, or relationships causing you stress, you can help to eliminate them in a healthy manner. Take a step back and think about when you are stressed and if any factors inuence or worsen the feeling. 2MMaakkiinnggttiimmeeffor yourselfSelf-care is a way of loving yourself and the body 2you are in. Whether it is taking a relaxing bath, watching your favorite TV show, or reading a bookdo what makes you happy and do it often. 33SSiilleencing negative selfttaallkkNegative thoughts play a large role in our daily life. Imagine talking to yourself like you would to your child or to your best friend. If the things you currently say are not things youd say to someone important to you, try and silence them. 4GGeettoouuttiinnnnaattuurreSometimes in moments of stress, a walk or roll can be 4therapeutic. Taking time away from the situation or person can provide clarity. Plus, it allows you to take a breath of fresh air.55SSiinnggIt may sound childish, but sometimes a little bit of music can improve your mood and reduce your stress. Play your favorite song and sing out your emotions!What causes me stress? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.How can I reduce that stress? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.9'