b'have more frequent relapses. However, its thought that factors such as differences in body composition, hormonal uctuations, and genetic factors may all contribute to variability in treatment response between genders. Furthermore, females may have more limitations on treatment options if they are considering pregnancy or breastfeeding. Knowing that biological sex is a factor in MS, it is important to keep up with regular screening for sex-related health issues. Such issues can alter the balance of hormones and thus affect the state of your MS and your immune health in general. And of course, having MS doesnt exempt you from other health issues, such as cancer, heart disease, and stroke, so seeing your primary care doctor regularly is important too. Have you Been Keeping up with Your Wellness Check-Ups? Take a look at the the following charts and see how many of the general wellness exams you have been receiving based on the criteria. If you have some visits to schedule, reach out to your healthcare team. General Health Screening Guidelines for Females with MS ConditionCriteria Breast cancerMammography beginning at age 35-39 to establish a baseline, every one to two years for people age 40-49, and yearly for those age 50 and older Cervical cancerFor sexually active people, screening every three years after age 18 Colorectal cancerColonoscopy every 10 years for those age 50 and older Osteoporosis Routine screening in females 65 and older Well-visit examEvery one to three years between ages 18-49 and annually for individuals age 50 and older General Health Screening Guidelines for Males with MS ConditionCriteria Prostate cancer Starting at age 50 and continuing annually. African-Americans or those with family history of prostate cancer, start at age 40. Testicular cancerMonthly testicular self-exam, annual clinical testicular exam. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends starting at age 18. Colorectal cancerStarting at age 50, continuing every five years for sigmoidoscopy or every 10 years for colonoscopy. Screening recommended earlier for high-risk individuals.Bone Density Consult with your healthcare team for a one-time exam,Test for everyone with risk factors (prolonged steroid use or anticonvulsants, a family history of osteoporosis, and a sedentary lifestyle).13'