b'Office of Autoimmune Research Established at NIHIn 2023, by order of Congress, the National Institutes of Health established the NIH Office of Autoimmune Disease Research. As autoimmune disease primarily affects females, the OADR has been placed under the existing Office of Womens Health Research. The OADRs role is to enhance and coordinate the NIHs research efforts into autoimmune disease. Learn more at: orwh.od.nih.gov/OADR-ORWHGet InvolvedJust like the ORPHAN Cures Act and the establishment of the Office of Autoimmune Disease Research, there is much going on in the greater autoimmune disease community that is relevant to those of us with MS. While its important to maintain in touch with the MS community, consider expanding your advocacy and support resources to include the larger autoimmune population.Below are some resources to help you get started:The Autoimmune Association, autoimmune.orgFor over 30 years, the Autoimmune Association has been a pioneer in serving autoimmune patients, sponsoring research, advocating for access to healthcare, and fostering collaboration to identify and explore the common threads that link autoimmune diseases.National Organization for Rare Diseases, rarediseases.orgNORD\'s mission is improving the health and well-being of people with rare diseases by driving advances in care, research, and policy. Their motto is "Alone we are rare. Together we are strong.Global Autoimmune Institute, autoimmuneinstitute.orgThe Global Autoimmune Institute\'s mission is to empower solutions in the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune disease through research, education, and validation while supporting multidisciplinary approaches to wellness.Advocacy and Awareness for Autoimmune Disorders Association, godoaaida.orgAAIDA exists to provide support and advocate for the greater than 25 million Americans living with immune disorders. AAIDA works to promote research and create better awareness of immune disorders. Giving yourself time and the support required to help you battle through your autoimmune disease that is labeled as MS can be difficult. With the ups and downs of MS itself, it can seem daunting to reach out to anonymous people. But the benet of reaching out to others is knowing there are people out there who can share their experiences and allow you to have a safe space to share yours. While autoimmune diseases may not be as prominent as other diseases in the medical eld, a small number of individual groups can help to create one large group. Share your voice with others and remember, you are not alone in this battle with your immune system.20'