b'Sleep Exercise and sleep have a harmonious relationship. Exceeding in one and neglecting the other is not benecial for your body and your mood. When you sleep, you allow your body to rest and recuperate from the days activities. Even when you feel you have not been that active, your body has repair work to do. But how does sleep play a role in helping boost your immune system? When we are sleeping, our bodies release cytokinessignaling proteins within the immune system. Cytokines help to regulate inammation, with both proinammatory and anti-inammatory types. When we fall asleep, proinammatory cytokines trigger the immune system to ght invaders. (This is why sleep often helps us feel better when we are sick.) As the sleep cycle continues, the body sends signals to reduce inammation. Also, melatonin is released, which counteracts inammatory stress hormones.In people who do not get enough sleep, this system of natural inflammation regulation is disrupted. A chronic lack of sleep is known to cause chronic low-grade inammation that contributes to many health conditions. The tricky part of sleeping when battling an autoimmune disease such as MS is how to manage your sleep and keep a consistent routine.Symptoms such as restless leg syndrome, bladder issues, or muscle spasms can cause you to wake up repeatedly throughout the night. By not giving your body the daily recommended sleep (seven to nine hours), your body becomes tired the next day. Combine this tiredness with the fatigue you probably feel through your MS and you have an endless cycle of exhaustion. Lack of sleep can also alter your mood and make you more irritable or distraught.Below are a few questions to ask yourself and to better gauge if you are sleep-deprived. Check off the boxes you feel describe you best.qDo you feel sleepy, grumpy, or "down" during much of the day?qDo you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow? qDo you sleep fewer than seven hours most nights?qDo you still feel tired even after having eight hours of sleep or more? If you checked off any of these boxes, you may be sleep-deprived. Consulting with your healthcare team can help you decide how to approach your sleep routine. 7'