b'MMeeddiiccaattiioonnScience has come a long way since the initial description of MS was made in the 1870s. Since then, treatments to help slow down the disease have been developed, providing people with MS a variety of options. The goal of disease-modifying treatment for MS is to regulate your immune system. Different treatments approach this complex task in different ways. Among the treatments, some seek to target immune cells (T- and B-cells) directly. Others affect the immune system components that control how and when those cells respond. In both cases, the point of these medications is to calm an overactive immune system and to create a better balance.This balance is delicate because MS is an autoimmune disease, but your immune systems job is to help ght off infections. If the medication is not effective enough at calming the immune system, you are at risk for disease activity. Being adherent to your medication regimen (taking the right dose consistently) is important in maintaining the balance of your immune system. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that non- adherence causes 30 to 50 percent of chronic disease treatment failures. Why do so many people fail to stick to their treatment regimen? What can help? 11CCoossttIf the cost of your chosen medication is outside your ability to pay, you have a few options. First, contact the drug manufacturer about any nancial assistance they may provide. Next, ask about any charities that can assist with the cost. Finally, if no other option remains open to you, talk to your doctor about other options such as generic equivalents which may be more cost effective due to payor formularies. 22SSiiddeeeeffffeeccttss If you are experiencing a side effect from a medication, make sure to communicate with your doctor. Ask if there are ways to manage the side effect, whether the side effect is likely to go away as treatment continues, or whether you can try a medication with a different side effect prole. Also, keep in mind that potential side effects listed on the medication insert are not guaranteed to happen to you, and that serious side effectswhile a warning must be includedare very rare. If fear of side effects prevents you from sticking to your medication regimen, discuss this with your doctor. 33CCoonnffuussiioonnWhen you and your doctor decide on a medication, make sure to take notes or record what the doctor says about when, how often, and how much of the medication to take. Also, some people may stop adhering to their MS disease-modifying treatments because they do not notice improvement. Remember, the purpose of a DMT is to balance your immune system to prevent relapses and slow progression. It will not undoprevious damage to your central nervous system, so its unlikely to bring about much improvement to your existing symptoms.10'