b'Which Diet Should You Choose? Several diets have been studied for people with MS. While no diet has been proven to have a signicant effect on the disease process, all have demonstrated improved general health and well-being, and anecdotal reports indicate some people experience improvement in their symptoms. The chart below compares several of the diets that have been studied in people with MS, showing how much they have in common:SwankMcDougall Wahls MediterraneanHigh in vegetables and fruit 3 33 3High in whole grains3 3 3Limits animal fats 3 33 3Includes Omega fatty acids 3 3 3Reduces/eliminates dairy 3 33Avoids processed foods 3 33 3Reduces sugar intake 33 3 TIP: To learn more about these diets, request or download the booklet Food to Fight MS, published by MS Focus. Visit msfocus.org/Get-Educated/Educational-materials/Booklets.Before choosing which type of diet is benecial for your specic needs, consult with your healthcare team. Remember, the goal of following specic dietary guidelines is to support your immune system. Eating foods rich in vitamins, antioxidants, proteins, and ber is crucial to maintaining good immune health.Movement and Exercise Eating proper foods to fuel your body and promote good immune health is only one part of the bigger picture. With consumption of these foods, it is also recommended to keep your body moving. How does movement benefit your immune system? There are several ways. Exercise reduces stress hormones, which tend to be inammatory. The increased breathing rate can help flush bacteria out of your airways, and the increased temperature can help your body ght any potential infection. But perhaps more importantly, recent research from Harvard University indicates exercise increases a kind of regulatory T cell (called Tregs) that ghts inammation and helps quiet the immune system.Movement with MS can seem daunting. Symptoms such as fatigue, imbalance, and spasticity can make it challenging. However, exercise can also help treat those very symptoms. Use the checklist on the next page and see how many of the exercises are achievable for you. Remember, the checklist is to encourage movement, not to be a competition of how many you can check off.5'