11 There are a wide variety of stress management techniques. It may take some time to find the ones that are most effective for you. The most important thing is to pay attention to your stress levels. Take stress seriously and make managing it a part of your self-care plan. The better you are able to manage it, the less it will affect your MS. Learn More Mental Health Counseling fact sheet Therapy with a mental health provider is one avenue that people have for learning effective ways to cope with problems. This fact sheet will help you understand what therapy is, how to choose a therapist, and provides resources for finding a therapist. Support Group Program Sharing stories, feelings, and experiences with people in similar situations is not only therapeutic and can improve emotional health. Support groups frequently provide the best opportunities to have these interactions, and MS Focus is here to help you find or start a support group in your community. ADAA.org The group puts its focus on improving qualityof life forthosewith anxiety, depressive, obsessive-compulsive, and trauma-related disorders through education, practice, and research. Learn Progressive Relaxation Progressive relaxation is a simple technique that helps manage physical tension. In this technique,you practice bytightening, then relaxing,yourmuscles. Over time, you learn to recognize when you are becoming physically tense and consciously release the tension. Try it today following these simple instructions. Sitorlaycomfortablyinaquietplace.Closeyoureyes.Youwillnowtightenand relax the muscles in your body one area at a time. Tense the area five seconds, then relax those muscles for 30 seconds. Repeat the process for each area: 1. Face, head and neck 2. Shoulders and back 3. Arms and hands Repeat this exercise daily. When you begin to notice physical tension in any part of your body between practices, consciously try to relax the muscles. If you find you are unable, tense and relax those specific muscles three times to provide relief. 4. Chest and abdomen 5. Thighs and calves 6. Feet and toes