8 Learn More MSFocusMagazine.org – search “Sleep” On the MS Focus magazine website, you will find articles on a number of sleep- related topics including sleep disorders, circadian rhythm, sleep apnea, and strategies for getting a good night’s rest. Assistive Technology Program This MS Focus program may help locate, partially fund, or provide full funding for any sleeping aid that can't be covered under insurance. Devices include snoring mouthpiece, anti-snore chin strap, anti-snoring mouthpiece, Sound Sleep Therapy Machine, and cooling pillows. National Sleep Foundation, sleepfoundation.org By providing advocacy and education the subject of sleep, the organization seeks to improve health and well-being. neurochemicals, and cells that sleep produces is like continuing to run your car without oil and coolant – sure to lead to a breakdown. The first step to getting sufficient sleep is to figure out why you aren’t getting enough now. For many people, it may simply be a matter of not making sleep a priority. For others, it may be that too many commitments or responsibilities get in the way. However, as many as 58 percent of people with MS may have sleep apnea, insomnia, or other sleep disorders. Oftentimes, these go undiagnosed. Ask your doctor if you need to be evaluated for a sleep disorder. To make sure you’re getting enough sleep, plan ahead. • Avoid caffeine, nicotine, or other stimulants close to bed time. • Dim your lights and electronic screens in the evening. Turn off your devices one to two hours before bed. • Avoid television programs or games with a great deal of action or excitement close to bed time. Engage in relaxing activities. • Try to arrange your schedule to allow you to go to bed and wake at the same time, and to get a minimum of seven to eight hours a night.