6 Learn More The Fitness Prescription Studies have shown the usefulness of exercise programs for people with MS. Learn about the many fitness options available - from aquatics and hippotherapy to yoga, Pilates, T’ai Chi and adaptive sports in this informative booklet from MS Focus. Health and Wellness Grant  This MS Focus program offers you the opportunity to participate in various forms of adaptive exercise or alternative therapy. Where there are a sufficient number of people interested, classes are formed. Where classes are not available, individuals may apply for full or partial funding to participate in activities through local gyms, fitness facilities, and wellness centers MS Fitness Challenge, msfitnesschallenge.com The group is dedicated and committed to helping you; to educate, inspire, and motivate you to overcome challenges and fight MS through health and fitness. Medical Fitness Network, medicalfitnessnetwork.org A free directory to connect people with chronic medical conditions to fitness and healthcare professionals with a background in treatment and rehabilitation to improve their quality of life. Does Exercise Have to Be a Chore? Exercise. For many of us, the word itself evokes a sense of dread. You may think of endless laps around a track with a school coach yelling like a drill sergeant, or a personal trainer pushing you to do ten more squats when you feel like you've already done ten too many. But your experience with exercise started long ago, and no doubt, there was a time when you enjoyed it. When an infant gleefully waves their arms and legs in the air, they're exercising. When a child plays hopscotch or climbs a tree, they're exercising. When a teenager turns on the music and dances around their room, they're exercising. Exercise is defined as "an activity requiring physical effort, especially those that contribute to health and fitness." That's a very broad definition. When it comes to exercises for rehabilitation or compensation, there may be specific types of exercise that target your particular need. But there are many ways to stay active for your general health and well-being. So don't restrict your idea of what exercise means to what you learned in gym class. What "activity requiring physical effort" do you actually enjoy? That is the exercise for you!