4 While none of these studies on their own are conclusive, taken together they make a strong case for diet as an MS self-care treatment. So how can you make the change? View your food as you do your medication – a prescription that you need for your health. • Just as you would read the instructions for how to take a prescription medication, read up on nutrition, and specifically the effects of diet on MS. • When a prescription medication makes major changes in your body, your doctor will often start you on a lower dose and work up to the full dose. Similarly, you can make small changes in your diet today and work towards bigger ones. • Often, it takes time to adjust to how a new medication makes you feel. Likewise, changes in diet may seem strange at first, but give yourself time to adjust. • If a medication isn’t effective over time, your doctor may change your dose or switch your medication. If your approach to diet doesn’t seem to be helping you feel better, adjust it – don’t give up on it. • You wouldn’t take a prescription drug without talking to your doctor; discuss changes in your diet with your doctor too, and make sure the plan you have in mind is appropriate to your personal needs. Your doctor may want to follow up with blood tests to check your levels of certain vitamins and minerals, as well as lipids, cholesterol and other health markers. Learn More Food to Fight MS Can your chosen diet make a difference in your life with MS? The latest research shows it can. Learn how to use food to fight MS from this booklet, available free of charge from MS Focus. Lending Library At MS Focus, we maintain a Lending Library, where books, DVDs, and CDs are all available for loan through the mail. Items can be sent anywhere across the United States. Harvard Healthy Eating Plate www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/healthy-eating-plate The Healthy Eating Plate, created by Harvard Health Publishing and the Harvard School of Public Health, makes use of the latest information in nutrition to provide accurate and specific diet recommendations. Access any publications or services from MS Focus mentioned in this booklet at msfocus.org or by calling 888-MSFOCUS (888-673-6287).