12 A medication can’t help you if you don’t take it. That simple truth is obvious to anyone struggling with a health condition, yet studies show that about 50 percent of prescriptions written are not used according to the instructions. This is referred to as treatment non-adherence by the medical community. A number of factors contribute to this problem: • Fear of side effects • Lack of symptom improvement • Feeling well without it • Lack of confidence in the medication or doctor’s advice • Feeling overwhelmed • Inability to afford the cost Many of these issues are sign of poor communication between a doctor and the person being prescribed the medication. If you have concerns about a prescription, make it a part of your self-care to talk to your doctor about them. There may be things your healthcare providers can do to help. Particularly with disease-modifying treatments for MS, you may find that a little additional information can really clear up your concerns. Let’s look at some common worries and misconceptions about DMTs – and other medications. “I tried it, but it didn’t make me feel any better.” DMT: A DMT won’t necessarily make you feel any better. DMTs do not treat your symptoms; they treat the underlying disease. The goal of DMT treatment is to keep your disease from getting worse. Talk to your doctor about treatments that can help you feel better, and take them in addition to your DMT. OTHER: Talk to your doctor and discuss whether the medication is meant to improve symptoms, or serves another important purpose. If the medication is meant to improve symptoms, ask how long it is expected to take before you notice improvement. If it serves another purpose, ask how your doctor will determine its effectiveness. “I feel fine. I don’t need to take this,” DMT: Many people with MS feel well in between relapses. With a DMT, your doctor aims to keep you feeling well by delaying the time to your next relapse. But even in the absence of relapse, damage can be accumulating in your central nervous system, and that damage may lead to disease progression later. A DMT can slow that process. Nutrition Exercise Sleep Stress Treatment