18 Has this been your experience when receiving care? While many healthcare providers and institutions have made great strides in implementing patient- centered care, there is still room for improvement. Use this questionnaire to examine how your healthcare providers are doing in this area. q I can contact my health providers with questions or concerns and get a response in a reasonable timeframe. q I know how to access my health records through a secured online portal or request physical copies. q My healthcare providers explain tests, procedures, and treatments to me in a way I understand. q I feel that I am involved and respected when making decisions about my treatment. q My healthcare providers share information with one another about my care. q If I disagree with my healthcare providers about some aspect of my treatment, I feel confident that I can speak up and they will listen to my concerns. q My healthcare providers recommend treatments that will improve my quality of life in the future, not just manage my current concerns. q Making appointments is easy, and appointments are available within a reasonable number of days. q After an appointment, I have a clear understanding of what I need to do next, and what to expect from my treatment. q I am confident that my healthcare providers keep current with the latest information in their field. q None of the treatments or tests given to me, nor follow-up visits I’m asked to make, seem unnecessary. q My privacy is respected by my healthcare providers and their staff. q My values, culture, needs, and personal circumstances are respected by my healthcare providers and their staff. q My healthcare providers show consideration for my physical and emotional comfort. q My healthcare providers have shown a willingness to involve my family or care partners in my healthcare. q My healthcare providers suggest resources for additional help when I need it, such as places to get more information about my health condition, find social support, or seek financial aid for medical bills.