13 OTHER: It’s possible you feel fine because your medication is doing its job, and that stopping will make you feel worse. This is particularly an issue with antibiotics and medications for depression or other mental health conditions. When you feel well, discuss with your doctor whether the medication can safely be stopped. “I experienced side effects.” DMT: Discuss the side effects you had with your doctor. There may be ways to reduce them, or a different DMT may be a better choice for you. All DMTs have side effects, but different DMTs affect people differently. If you need to switch, ask about possible side effects in advance and what to do if you experience them. OTHER: If you experience strong side effects, call your doctor immediately to determine what you should do. Milder side effects of some medications disappear over time. Ask your doctor if the side effect will likely go away on its own, if some- thing can be done to manage it, orwhetheryou should switch to another medication. “I think doctors are too quick to write prescriptions. I’d rather use natural treatments.” DMT: Whether or not to use a DMT is a choice each person must make. However, research shows that DMTs do slow the progress of MS and reduce the frequency of relapse.Though manynatural treatments have been shown to helpwith symptoms, it has not been demonstrated that they can affect relapse rate or disease progression. This suggests DMTs and natural treatments are best used together. OTHER:Today, many doctors are open to using natural treatments rather than, or in combination with, medications. If you and your doctor don’t agree about natural treatments, it is still important that they knowwhat decisions you have made about treatment, so they can monitor you appropriately. Honest communication is key. “It’s overwhelming!” DMT:Taking a DMTcan be overwhelming, particularlyif the process is unfamiliar. If you’re taking an injectable medication, it may be helpful to get support. Work with a nurse to manage any difficulties you’re having with giving yourself the shot, injection site reactions, or other issues. If you’re taking another type of DMT, stop and analyze what you find overwhelming about it and discuss it with your doctor. OTHER: A common reason people feel overwhelmed is because they are taking many medications, and these medications may have different dosing schedules and instructions. If you feel this way, discuss it with your doctor. Sometimes, the number of medications you are taking can be reduced by giving you medications that serve more than one purpose. For example, there are medications that treat both hypertension and migraine, or that can help with both depression and pain.