30 Learn More Outreach Volunteer Program This program is for those with MS who want to work directly with MS Focus to improve the lives of people with MS in their local area. They get involved in the MS community and educate others about MS Focus and the services we offer. Educational Programs Teleconferences and National MS Awareness and Education Month events are two of the most visible ways MS Focus reaches out the educate the MS community and others about both the disease and the services we offer. iConquerMS, iConguerMS.org A groundbreaking initiative that empowers people with MS to help drive MS research and accelerate efforts toward improving treatments and finding a cure for MS. Digital Advocacy Better Days Ahead You are an essential part of finding better days ahead. As a person affected by MS, you are the center of the cause. The movement toward patient-centered care is designed to address your treatment needs. Organizations like MS Focus exist to advocate for and assist you. So your voice is vital to making sure that everyone working for the MS cause is making the choices that will benefit you most. Use your voice. Help create the future you want to see for people with MS. Together, let’s find better days.