Definition of evoke: to awaken a feeling or stimulate a response in someone. 22 Today, many people experience what is known as compassion fatigue. With so much suffering in the world, to feel empathy for everyone would simply be over- whelming. So how can we get others to care about the struggles of those with MS? How can we get them to work together with us to find better days? There is so much that you can do to increase public awareness, engage politically, and raise funds for the MS cause. Every effort you make adds to those made by advocates across the country. But when you are on your own in these efforts in your local area, it can seem overwhelming. As one person, it may feel like you can barely make a dent in the problems people with MS face. Engaging family, friends, coworkers, and community members can increase your effect. Yet, many people are hesitant to ask those they know to participate. Perhaps you feel that people are too busy, or that the cause won’t matter to them because they aren’t personally affected. Maybe you’ve tried in the past and people have committed to help, they just haven’t followed through. Is there a way to evoke real concern and commitment from people? It helps to under- stand what drives them to get involved. Understanding Motivators Reaching the Heart Helping is a basic human impulse. From a very early age, we naturally want to be helpful; research in children as young as 14 months has shown that this behavior is innate and isn’t driven by an urge to get credit or praise, just a desire to assist others. As adults, this natural desire to help is often tempered by practical concerns, but the drive is still strong. How can you tap into this impulse in others, and get them to help in your public advocacy efforts for MS? First, think about the motivating factors behind their behavior. Imagine this: The evening news announces that a tsunami has devastated the tiny island nation of Teraviso. Images flash on the screen of flooded houses and crowds at hospitals and humanitarian aid stations. At the end of the segment, the newscaster gives information about how to donate to the relief efforts. You have never heard of this nation before and know nothing about it, but how can you not Evoke Caring