b'To continue with the example above regarding the family member forgetting to pickup the spasticity medicine, asking for positive change may go something like: If you pick up my medicine on time, I wont run out and get painful spasms. Or,If you pick up my medicine when I need it, I would really appreciate it. So, putting the examples together: Start with empathyI know that you have a lot on yourmind, but Give a noncritical feedback statementwhen you forget to bring my spasticitymedicine home Explain the consequence my spasms become worse and I amin more pain and upset. Ask for positive behavioral changeIf you would pick up my medicinewhen I ask you to, I wont get as manyspasms, I would really appreciate it. Try this method with a communication challenge you are facing. Use the boxesbelow to plan what you want to say. Start with empathy Give a noncritical feedback statementExplain the consequence Ask for positive behavioral change In summary, good communication is an active process. MS looks very dierent fromthe outside, and your family and friends are unlikely to understand your perspectiveon your experience without your help. Clear communication using these skills can helpyour friends and family to truly understand your needs.9'