b'Many people dread the possibility of such forced disclosures, feeling awkward andunsure of what to say. In these circumstances, having a plan for how to react can behelpful. What should you do?1. Remain calm. If someone approaches you in an angry or judgmental way, rememberthey are mistaken about their assessment of the situation. Everyone makes mistakes.Your goal is to correct the error.2.Give a simple, matter-of-fact answer.Do not feel the need to be apologetic orembarrassed. Simply state your response as a fact. 3.Go about your business. Whether a person responds appropriately to the informationor not, you are not required to share anything further unless you choose to do so. Ifthey remain angry or judgmental, that is not in your control. If they are embarrassed,you are not responsible for providing them reassurance.This same approach works when people who do know about your MS say insensitivethings, such as But you look so good!, or respond to a description of your symptomswith an inappropriate comparison (e.g. Im tired too when you mention fatigue oreveryone has blue days when you mention being treated for depression.) Consider the circumstances in which you might need to discuss your MS with astranger, or someone to whom you have not disclosed your condition. Plan ahead whattype of response you will give. Use the sample corrections below as a guide, and addyour own responses. Error Possible Corrections You arent disabled. You shouldnt be I have the permit because I have MS.parking there. I have a disability you cant see. I need the space. That stall is for people in wheelchairs.Actually, its for anyone who needs theaccessibility features, and I do. I have MS and I need the grab bars. Have you been drinking?No. MS aects the way I walk sometimes. I have a health condition that aectsmy balance and my speech at timesnothing to worry about! Why are you suddenly using a cane? Nothing happened. I need one fromDid something happen? time to time.I have MS and its acting up today. You should be taking it easy! or I know what my limitations are. You need to be tougher on yourself.My condition changes day-by-day.I am the only one who knows what I can andcant handle.15'