b'Now take a few minutes to think abouthow youliveby your values,despiteMS.While there are values, such as independenceor meaningful work, that can sometimes behindered by MS, take note of values youselected that MS does not change. You mayeven notice ways that MS has helped youlive by your values. For example, many peoplevalue empathy, and nd that having a chronicillness makes them more empathetic towardsothers.Somepeoplendthattheyvaluefriendship more after an MS diagnosis, thanks to the friends that loyally support them. What We Have to OerOur values dene what we want from life, and what we expect from ourselves andothers. On the other hand, our skills, knowledge, and character dene what we have atour disposal to use and to give. Below, make a list of all your skills and knowledge. Be as thorough as you can,including life skills, work skills, hobby skills, and recreational skills. Keep in mind thatif you can no longer perform a skill, you still retain that knowledge and can share itwith others. Also, make note of any special knowledge or education you have that isntrelated to skills.3'