b'Being Visible in Your Personal Life Humans have an innate need to be seenknown for who they are, and connectedto others who appreciate aspects of their personality. In psychology, this is referred to asrelatedness. The more aspects of your personality that are known and appreciated, themore connected you will feel to others. This is how the need for relatedness is satised.In order to show others who you are, you must know yourself rst. That can be dicultif MS has become an outsized part of your self-image. Is MS consuming too much ofyour time, energy, and thoughts? Is it shaping the way you think about yourself, or theway others think about you? These are important questions to consider because youare more than your MS. While MS is a part of your daily reality and may exert a bigger inuence than youwould like, it is important not to lose touch with the other parts of your personality thatdene you. These include your values, your knowledge and skills, and your character traits.What We Value Lets dene who you are by looking at these qualities, starting with dening yourvalues. These are the things that make life meaningful to you. Start by selecting yourvalues from the following list, or jot down additional values that occur to you. Achievement Creativity Inuence\\Power ResponsibilityAdventure Dependability Intelligence SafetyAuthenticity Empathy Justice SecurityAuthority Environmentalism Kindness Self-relianceBalance Ethics Knowledge Self-respectBeauty/Attractiveness Fairness Love ServiceChallenge Faith\\Spirituality Loyalty SimplicityCharity Family Meaningful work StatusCommunity Friendship Mindfulness SuccessCompassion Grace Openness ToleranceCompetence Gratitude Optimism TrustworthinessHappiness PassionConnection to nature Honesty Personal growth VolunteerismContentment Humor Popularity WealthContribution to society Independence Reputation Wisdom2'