b'Does MS Ever Make You Feel Invisible?Dear readers,Its common to feel that way when people fail to notice, ignore, or are in denial aboutthe challenges you face. Consider these scenarios: You can no longer do a favorite activity. You dont begrudge your familys choiceto go without you, but they dont make an eort to arrange additional activitiesyou can participate in. Your boss organizes lunch with a client. When you arrive at the restaurant withyour mobility aid, you nd the boss and client have already accepted seating onthe second oor and there is no elevator. When you mention that you are experiencing fatigue, your spouse snaps, Imtired, too. Your caregiver accompanies you to the doctor for support, and suddenly your doctordirects conversation only to them, not to you. Its as though you arent even in theroom. When you tell a neighbor that you have MS, they stop asking How are you today?Any plans for the weekend? and only ask How are you feeling? in a sympatheticvoice any time you see them. You leave your job because of disability. Your work friends promise to keep intouch, but you never hear from them unless you initiate the contact. Your doctor recommends getting a disabled parking permit. You know you needit, but youre hesitant because you dont look disabled and fear people will judgeyou. If you have been dealing with MS for any length of time, at least one of thesesituations probably sounds familiar to you. Likely, you can think of others as well. Ifyour symptoms themselves are invisible, you may be frustrated with how little peoplenotice your experience with MS. On the other hand, if your symptoms are visible, youmay nd people make an eort not to notice, even to the point of ignoring you. HavingMS can seem like a no-win scenario. But is it? Can you make yourself visible? You can! The goal of this years National MS Education and Awareness MonththemeIm Visibleis to help you be seen, to be recognized for who you are and whatyou want, and to encourage you to visibly show your support for the MS cause. We hopeyou will use this booklet as a practical guide to help you do just that.Sincerely,The MS Focus Team 1'