b'But you look ne! Why would MS aect how I look?Thats not something it does. Im glad, but its about how I feel, not how I look. Im tired too or Everyone getsIm sure you are tired, but fatigue is a blue.medical condition thats dierent fromtiredness.Depression is a medical condition; its notthe same as sadness or a bad mood. Youre too young for this.MS can aect people at any age. Even children can have chronic healthproblems.Though you do not necessarily have to name your condition, doing so as you correctthese mistaken notions may be one of the most important things you can do for theMS community. By raising awareness in this way, you help make MS visible to thegeneral public. Being Publicly Visible If you are open about having MS, there are additional ways you can be visible onbehalf of the MS community. One important way is to become an advocate for the MScause. Becoming an advocate means having the courage to take action and do somethingabout the many problems we see aecting people with MS. Taking actionwhether wedo it alone, with others in our community, or with our support groupis empowering.Many people assume that advocacy is a job better left to the astute lawyers andpassionate lobbyists ghting for political change in Washington, D.C. This could not befurther from the truth! People living with MS and those who love them have the inherentability to be passionate and persuasive advocates. This is because their words comefrom the heart and from rsthand experience. Choosing a Cause The rst step in becoming a successful advocate is nding an issue aecting the MScommunity that is important to you. The cause you choose must be something youfeel passionately about, something that causes you or someone you love pain, frustration,stress, inconvenience, isolation, embarrassment, or worry. Following are a few of thecauses under the MS umbrella that may interest you.16'