b'Accessibility and ADA compliance Peggy, a woman who never imagined herself as an advocate, is a good example. Ayoung mother with MS, Peggy is a wheelchair user with two daughters in elementaryschool. Unable to work full time, she longed to volunteer in her childrens classroomsbut was unable to do so. Why? The school was not accessible. This was extremelyupsetting, not only to Peggy, but also to her daughters and her husband. Rather than giving up, Peggy began attending school board meetings, writing lettersto congressional representatives in her community, and making phone calls regardingthe lack of accessibility in the public school system. Peggy had found her cause withouteven looking for it and she could not have been better suited for the job. Peggy continues to campaign for accessibility and advocate for enforcement of andcompliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. She hasnt seen much progressyet, but she keeps going because she knows that someday soon another parent whorequires a wheelchair for mobility will come along and she doesnt want them and theirchildren to experience the same frustration as her family did. Gradually, Peggy is openingdoors for other individuals with physical disabilities and preventing discriminationagainst them. She must remind herself that these changes do not happen overnight.But with persistence, they will happen.Improved health and prescription drug coverage Michaels circumstances led him toward a dierent cause. His wife was skippingdoses of a much-needed medication for her MS. Sometimes, she would procrastinateor avoid treatment altogether because of the high cost of prescription drugs and healthinsurance. She did not want her husband and children to go without the things theyneeded in order for her to get treatment. Because he loved his wife and saw the challenges she faced, Michael began to advocatefor better health insurance coverage and aordable medications. He wrote letters to theDepartment of Health and Human Services, the Medical Care Advisory Committee, theState Medical Assistance Oce, and other agencies. He spoke at a local town meetingand it wasnt long before others in the community who shared his plight, joined him inhis eorts. Michaels wife helps by making phone calls from home and discussing theseissues at her monthly support group meetings. The couple is determined to continuetheir advocacy work and have already received a few encouraging letters and innovativeideas from agencies they have contacted. There was also a small article in their localpaper, in which Michael was quoted, about the high cost of prescription drugs and thediculties it was causing for them and other families like them. 17'