b"ApproachPros ConsAdvance Medical Directive Permanently records your Impossible to plan for decisionsevery possible scenarioHealthcare Surrogate Flexible decision-makingRelies on someone else based on circumstancesto know your wishesBoth of these methods have benets and drawbacks. In most cases, the best choicemay be to combine the two. By having both, you can ensure you have someone toadvocate for you and make your wishes known, based on the written documentationin your advance medical directive.Resources:More Information about Advance DirectivesMedlineMedlinePlus is a service of the National Library of Medicine, the world's largest medicallibrary, which is part of the National Institutes of Health. Their mission is to presenthigh-quality, relevant health and wellness information that is trusted, easy to under-stand, and free of advertising, in both English and Spanish. Anywhere, anytime, on anydevicefor free.medlineplus.gov/advancedirectives.htmlFree Basic Advance Medical Directive Forms by StateAARPEnhancing the quality of life for all as we age is the mission of AARP. AARP ghts forand equips each individual to live their best life.www.aarp.org/caregiving/nancial-legal/free-printable-advance-directivesFree Basic Advance Psychiatric Directive Forms by StateNRC-PADNational Resource Center on Psychiatric Advance Directives helps lead individuals toinformation on psychiatric advance directives by state.www.nrc-pad.org/statesDirectory of Healthcare LawyersFindLaw.comFindLaw contains free, up-to-date, and easy-to-understand legal information and tools.Their mission is to make the law accessible and understandable for everyone. FindLawalso oers a comprehensive lawyer directory, connecting consumers with legal needsto lawyers who can help.lawyers.ndlaw.com/lawyer/practice/health-health-care-law13"