support group for people with MS. She is an amazing lady.” “Definitely!” agreed Tony DiGerolamo, communications coordinator. “She was crazy- positive. Such a great attitude!” Tony also met another inspiring guest at the Charleston program. “I spoke with a gentlemen who had been recently diagnosed. But right after that, he and his wife took a cruise where he got to climb an ancient Mayan pyramid – some- thing he clearly had a big interest in. It was a great story about never letting MS stop you from doing the things you love.” Raising Awareness with Yoga Fun Exercise is an area where practical adaptations can be made for any limitations people with MS might experience, and yoga is one of the easiest forms of exercise to adapt. MS Focus offers adaptive yoga classes through our Health and Wellness Program, so it seemed like a perfect way to introduce the public to our services and the needs of people with MS. That’s how the Mind and Mobility Festival was born. The inaugural eventwas held in Hollywood, Fla., on March 12, and featured adaptive yoga sessions from local studio Krama Yoga, as well as meditation, food, and fun. Those with MS, and all of the local community, were invited to participate. “It was inspiring to see everyone from small children to seniorcitizens doing yoga together,” said one attendee. “And the instructors did a great job of adapting the poses to people like me, who joined in from our chairs.” “It was a terrific opportunity for the community to learn more about MS and MS Focus, while doing something they already enjoy,” said Nathalie Sloane, development director for MS Focus. “And hopefully every- one learned a lesson about focusing, not on what you can’t do, but what you can do. That really was the message at the heart of this year’s National MS Education and Awareness Month efforts.” 12 MS Focus Activities By the Numbers 220 – Boxes of materials packed and shipped 6,500 – Awareness kits sent to support groups nationwide 20,000 – Awareness kits distributed for 2017 6 – National teleconferences held during March 12 – Regional programs scheduled 34 – Flights booked for speakers and staff