27 msfocusmagazine.org MS, or have recently experienced a new invisible symptom, nowis the time to establish open communication and begin educating your loved ones about your experiences. Ask family and friends to learn about the conditionwithyou. Keep in mind that different people learn in different ways. For some, reading an article about MS, or a particular symptom, may not be interesting or an effective way to learn. Don’t worry, there are many other options. In addition to reading material, MS Focus offers videos and online radio programs, as well as support group meetings and live educational programs around the country that family and friends are welcome to attend. Look for the source of information that fits the way each person learns best. Communicateaboutyourdailyexperience. Many people refrain from talking about their health problems until it interferes with their daily activities. This is often out of fear that people will perceive them as “complainers.” However, it’s entirely possible to share your health issues with your loved ones without “complaining,” particularly if you discuss it during the times you’re feeling reasonably well. For example, you might say, “I’m glad I have energy this morning. It’ll be good to get things done early in case I get fatigued later. When MS fatigue hits, it is so debilitating that I can’t reallydo the things Iwant to.” Discussing what you are experiencing will help your familyand friends understandyoursymptoms before any doubt can arise. Strategies to Fight Doubt If those close to you have already begun to express doubt, it’s not too late to educate and communicate. There are additional strategies you can use. Manage your reaction. Certainly, it hurts to have loved ones distrust or discount your personal experience. Rightfully, you may feel insulted or betrayed, but an angry or defensive reaction will only increase the tension. A calm, matter-of-fact response will be most effective at removing doubt. It may help to consider things from their point of view. There may be no outward indication of what you are experiencing –