61 msfocusmagazine.org Project, and the role we can all play in better understanding and helping those who are battling a chronic illness. By sharing Patrickā€™s story we were able to encourage people to use their talents in any way possible to support a cause they believe in. Q: What do you think others should know about your experience creating and holding this event? A: Start early! And donā€™t worry about how many people sign up. Instead, focus your energy in creating a memorable experience for those who do. The ļ¬rst step, and perhaps the most important, is building a team of committed individuals who share yourvision, enthusiasm, and passion for your eventā€™s success. Itā€™s really important to then clearly delegate tasks to your team ā€“ including expectations and deadlines. Also, if you are planning a walk-or-run event, reach out to local running groups in your community. They can be excellent sources of info about permits, timers, and anything else you need to know about. Q: Tell us about a moment that inspired you. A: Ken: I was diagnosed with MS 25 years ago, since then I have felt a responsibility to pass on the experience and the knowledge I have acquired. I met Patrick ļ¬ve years ago at one of our group meetings. When people called Pat a hero he would reply, in his own Pat way, ā€œA hero ainā€™t nothing but a sandwich.ā€ Thatā€™s what I admired most about him, his humility and his dedication to do everything he could to ļ¬ght his MS. I want people to know that Patrick was quite an inspiration to all of us with MS, and that his legacy should be preserved. That's why I created this event ā€“ to honor a true, selļ¬‚ess hero. A: Lauren: I have always drawn inspiration from the words of Margaret Mead: ā€œNever doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.ā€ Five years ago, I had no idea that when Patrick wheeled into my life, mine would change forever. Patā€™s story is the inspiration behind the Greater Purpose Project. Our mission is to inspire people of all ages, races and backgrounds to discover how they can use their talents as a greater purpose for helping others. We are achieving our mission through our #GPP School Heroes Program, a documentary ļ¬lm, and as a positive news outlet. I believe that there is a superhero inside all of us and that sharing Patrickā€™s legacy will help everyone ļ¬nd their capes. If you have any questions about this event or a subject that was touched upon, contact Nathalie Sloane, MS Focusā€™ Development Director, by email at nsloane@msfocus.org, or call 800-225-6495.