28 msfocusmagazine.org they only have your word that it exists. They may be frustrated with having to take on additional responsibilities, or disappointed that you had to cancel planned activities. Lack of a good understanding of MS makes it easy for doubt to creep in, especially in an emotionally charged situation. Two strategies that help are acknowledging the effects that yourcondition has had onyourloved ones, and keeping your cool as you explain the facts. Let them “see” the invisible. Many misconceptions stem from the idea that a person is “fine” one day and ill the next. In reality, most people with MS are rarely “fine” on any given day. For example, just because your fatigue is not bad enough to prevent you from doing things, does not mean you aren’t experiencing fatigue that day. But if you only communicate about your symptoms on the baddays,peoplemistakenlyassumeyouarenot experiencing symptoms the rest of the time. Try to be more open about your symptoms, and put them in terms your loved ones can understand. On a better day, you might say, “My pain is a 3 out of 10 today. I’m doing prettywell.” Then on a bad day, if you say, “My pain is a 9 right now,” your loved ones will have some context to understand how pain is affecting you. You might even choose to keep a chart of your symptoms, so your loved ones can see what you experience daily. This will serve as a reminder that your symptoms are present, and perhaps even help you – and them – identify patterns or triggers that worsen your condition. Seek outside help. Sometimes, doubt may actually be a sign of denial on the part of your loved ones. It can be easier to allow yourself to think a loved one is exaggerating their symptoms than to let in the fear that the person’s health is getting worse. If your efforts to fight your loved one’s doubt don’t succeed, counseling may help repair your relationship. While a loved one’s doubts may sting, keep in mind that it means the person wants to believe you are healthy.While that may not be the case, with effort, a healthy relationship for youandyourlovedonecanusuallybeachieved. Symptom Management What Works For You? Have you had to deal with doubters? Did you try these suggestions, or find your own way to manage the problem? Let MS Focus know what worked for you. Share your strategies, successes, or ongoing challenges with us. We may feature your reply in an upcoming issue. Here's how to reach us: MS Focus Attn: Editor 6520 N Andrews Ave. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 Voicemail 855-673-1515 editor@msfocus.org