40 msfocusmagazine.org MS is a misunderstood disease. Each person affected by MS will confront very different issues. Promoting MS awareness, and helping people understand the challenges MS patients face, can be quite difficult because of the variety of both visible and invisible symptoms. Using technologycan help because you can make connections not only in your community, but also throughout the world with just a few clicks on your device. Thewebisnotjustforgatheringinformation anymore. Having an active presence online is a must these days. There are so many MS organizations that have websites as well as social media accounts. By visiting an organization’s social media pages you can participate in the conversation. Lifewire.com has published a list of The Top 25 Social Networking Sites People Are Using. You may already be using some of these, but, if you are not, joining is free and easy. To help you get started, most sites have helpful how-to guides. In addition, a search for the social media site of your choice on wikihow.com is a great way for beginners to get started. It is important to remember that privacy is always an issue when posting on social media. Before you start, or even if you already use social media, a review of privacy issues is always a good idea. Privacy Rights Clearing House (www.privacyrights.org) is a great site to help you learn about important privacy issues when using social media. Forthe purposes of this article, social media pages will be divided into two categories. The first category will focus on pages that are primarilyrelated to more personal connections. The pages listed in this section will address a widevarietytopics thatwill helpwith everyday living with MS as well as personal connections that will help you feel empowered. The second category will highlight pages that are focused on current news relating to MS research. There is quite a bit of overlap in these two categories, But many of the pages listed will take you in quite a few new directions. The best part of exploring social media pages is the discovery of new ideas and meeting new people. It is worth noting that the MS Coalition (www.ms-coalition.org or @MS_Coalition on Twitter and Facebook.com/MSCoalition) is a great place to start your journey. It is a collaborative network of independent organizations that encompass information to help you learn about and live with MS. Making Connections: MS Focus: The Multiple Sclerosis Foundation: Twitter@MS_Focus, Facebook.com/MultipleSclerosisFoundation Life with MS Promote MS Awareness Through Social Media By Joanne Fortunato MS-TECH 101