The MS Focus Independent Support Group Network is growing! Please welcome these newly affiliated groups: • Free Spirits MS Social Group, Smithtown, N.Y. • Moving and Stepping MS Support Group, Chesapeake, Va. • Wings MS Support Group, Middleboro, Mass. Please visit our website at for the meeting dates, times, and locations or to find the support group nearest you. thing bigger out there for him. His attitude about life is contagious. Because staying positiveinthefaceofMSmaynotalwaysbeeasy, D’Andre shares his thoughts everyday on his Facebook page:, asawayforeveryonetohavethereinforcement they may need to conquer each day. When asked what he would say to anyone diagnosed with MS, “Whatever it is that you seek in life, whatever your dreams and what you hope to achieve, whatever you try to reach, whatever you plan can all be yours – if you only believe you can.” Let these words encourage you to be courageous and resilient, one day at a time. MS Focus can help! There are 22 different programs and services available to people who have MS, their families, and caregivers, all free of charge. Take a moment to learn about the services that are available, because MS Focus is dedicated to helping everyone live the best possible lives. 47