5 msfocusmagazine.org Read. Watch. Listen. Cannabinoids and MS Ben Thrower, M.D., continued the MS Educational Series in Atlanta with a conversation about Cannabinoids and MS. Dr. Thrower’s presentation covered topics from the early history and prohibition of cannabis and hemp, to what we know about this medicinal plant today. Watch on YouTube.com/MultipleSclerosisFoundation “Navigating Life with Multiple Sclerosis” Navigating Life with Multiple Sclerosis guides the reader through the ABCs of MS. This book explains everything from what MS is, to how it is diagnosed and managed. The authors write in a clear, concise tone, so the material is easy to follow and understand. It comeswith an index, making information easilyaccessible. The book not only gives the reader a look into the future of MS, but it also provides a practical guide to planning your own future with topics such as having a power of attorney and making financial arrangements. Navigating Life with Multiple Sclerosis By Kathleen Costello, MS, ANP-BC, MSCN, Ben W. Thrower, MD* and Barbara S. Giesser, MD. 168 pp. $16.07 Awareness Month Teleconferences MS Focus conducted a series of teleconferences for National MS Education andAwareness Month. Multiple sclerosis pioneerRandall Schapiro, M.D. kicked off our series with a presentation about diagnosing and treating MS. Other teleconferences covered topics ranging from Building Your Healthcare Team to Living the Wellness Lifestyle. Listen on MSFocusRadio.org or On-Demand at: www.SoundCloud.com/MS-Focus. *Disclosure: Dr. Ben W. Thrower is the MS Focus senior medical advisor.