63 msfocusmagazine.org Play on Words - Find the Theme Unscramble these common words to find the theme for our next issue. Use the circled letter in each word to fill in the answer. EILN ___ O ___ ___ ANIR ___ ___ ___ O 1 2 CNAED O ___ ___ ___ O RPAEG ___ ___ ___ O O 3 4 5 6 YFNUN ___ ___ O ___ ___ EDRE O ___ ___ ___ 7 8 PNYNE ___ O ___ O ___ ORLOC O ___ ___ ___ ___ 9 10 11 DEEG ___ ___ ___ O 12 ANSWER: O O O O O O O O O O O O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Solution to last issue’s Play on Words: “MARCH IS NATIONAL MS EDUCATION AND AWARENESS MONTH.” • If your trash cans use plastic bags, put a whole roll in the bottom of each can so you can just pull up a new one when you take out the full one. This eliminates going to the cabinet, getting a bag, and then going to empty the trash. Every step eliminated is one that can be used for something else. • The most time and effort-saving way to clean I have found is to get a small trashcan with wheels. Husky and Rubbermaid are popular brands – like commercial cleaner trashcans, but smaller. Put everything you use to clean in it and take it with you when cleaning a room. It eliminates going back and forth to get things, and it can be rolled into a closet when not in use. There is a reason professional cleaners use this method! I attach the trash bag to the can with big binder clips, so part of the inside of the can is useable for a broom, mop and other long handled tools. Have You MS Hacked the Problem? Send your tips and tricks to MSHacks@msfocus.org.