If you are reading this, you are probably already familiar with MS Focus and the many valuable resources they share. Both their Twitter and Facebook pages provide many ways to connect with other people with MS and to get information to make living with MS easier. Can Do MS: Twitter @CanDoMS, Facebook.com/CanDoMultipleSclerosis Standing up for your rights as an MS patient can be a very trying experience. Can Do MS offers a forum for information and support. It is very empowering to know you are not alone when dealing with issues such as the workplace environment or medical insurance. MS International Federation: Twitter @MSIntFederation, Facebook.com/MSInternationalFederation The MS International Federation is a unique global network of MS organizations, people affected by MS, volunteers and staff from around the world. It is made up of 49 MS organizations with links to many others. The About link on their website gives excellent information that fully explains their mission and tells you how to get involved. Current Research News: Accelerated Cure Project: Twitter @AceleratedCure, Facebook.com/AcceleratedCureProject Some of the latest information from the FebruaryACTRIMS (TheAmericas Committee forTreatment and Research in MS) in Orlando is available. Other organizations listed include iConquer MS, Genetech, and MS Discovery Forum. This Twitter feed draws a wide variety of participants that are working on a cure in various capacities. iConquer MS: Twitter @iConquerMS, Facebook.com/iConquerMS By participating and sharing your MS information you have a chance to be a part of the cure. For more information on how to participate, visit iconquerms.org/join. Data collected by iConquer MS is shared with MS research organizations to aid in finding a cure. MSWorld: Twitter @MSWorld_Inc Facebook.com/MSWorld.Fan.Page This page has a wide variety of links on issues ranging from sleep to the gut biome and MS. As with so many other social media pages this page has new information every day. It would be impossible to give a complete, current list of worthwhile pages. The strength of social media is that it is incredibly dynamic. With minimal effort, you can find information on just about any issue related to MS. In fact, once you begin your journey, you will realize that people with MS share many common values and problems with many others affected by chronic diseases. 41 msfocusmagazine.org