27 msfocusmagazine.org *May include minor edits for length or clarity. I got out of an abusive, seven-year relationship. In April I met Junior Lingares. We worked together. After he made the largest donation on my MS Walk, I asked him later, why? It was to reel me in! Instantly, sparks flew. He knows now as much as I do about MS. He is always reading and learning. I am finally happy and I know the way I was treated was never normal. I am happy, loved, and respected, and I feel treasured. P.S. Junior joined my MS Walk team. Valerie Keating of Ipswich, Mass. nominated her husband Kalonie Lopez - Idaho Falls, Idaho nominated Junior Lingares I was diagnosed the first year of marriage. I am now a paraplegic. We have lost so much. This disease altered our ability to be a couple. Yet, Terry is still my loving husband. Holding a full-time job, he is also my main caregiver. I asked Terry why he hasn’t left me. He replied, “Because I said vows 34 years ago, and I meant them.” Then, quietly, he said, “I love you.” I realized then we love and need each other. We are truly lucky! Anthony nominated his wife, Valerie. He said, “One day, trying to ease things, I said I knew she didn’t sign up for this thing, if she wanted out I’d let her go.An assumed condemning finger pointed to awedding picture, a question, did I remember vows made ‘in sickness and health’? Smiling, Valerie stated ‘I meant what I said, I’m not going anywhere!” I realized then we love and need each other. We are truly lucky! Anthony Rabak of Grass Valley, Calif. nominated his wife