8 msfocusmagazine.org Read. Watch. Listen. Primary Progressive MS Watch as Dr. Ben Thrower talks frankly about primary progressive MS – what it is and how it affects both patient and caregivers. He discusses what is available and what is in the pipeline for PPMS treatment. Lastly, he talks about the best way to manage the course of PPMS through physical therapy, diet and exercise. Watch at msfocus.us/PPMSvid17 But You Look So Good and Other Lies By Cher Finver Cher Finver is a woman who happens to have multiple sclerosis, but MS is just one of the many facets of her life. The author writes not only about her MS in her memoir, but also about abandonment, addiction, mental illness, grief, kidnapping, deceit, love, endurance, and strength. Finver captivates, baring her soul in a candid and conversational tone as she peels back the layers of her life. Talk about a page turner! The reader may be at risk of devouring the book from cover-to-cover. 175 pp. $13.95 Find it on Amazon Smile at msfocus.us/FinverBook MS Lifeline's My Story Carrie and David Smith Listen as Derrick Lee interviews songwriter and musician couple Carrie and David Smith about music, life, and their journey with MS. They also discuss becoming part of the EMD Serono’s My Story website at mslifelines.com/my-story. Listen at msfocus.us/C-DSmith