28 msfocusmagazine.org Niki Stone of Jacksonville, Fla. nominated her husband, Jeffery Phillips. “He took on the responsibility of caring for our three year old, taking care of me, and still managing to hold down his full-time job, all while using public transportation and catching rides from people.” Joseph M. Smith of Bardstown, Ky. nominated his wife, Lou, “She keeps love, laughter, and faith in our home. She is one busy and caring lady. She is my beautiful angel on Earth.” Linda Belinsky of Huntington Valley, Pa. nominated her sister Kathy. She said, “She was the one organizing a beef and beer benefit to raise money for the $1,000 a month cost of the betaseron.” Lovell B. Johnson, of Troy, Mich., nominated his mother, Rhonda Robertson. “My mother cooks, runs up and down stairs all dayformyneeds, she takes me to doctor’s appointments, and so much more.” Leigh Ann Womack of Winsooski, Vt. nominated her wife, Jean Marie Sienkewicz, “No matter how my physical body deteriorates she keeps my soul soaring with her ever- present funny, sweet, thoughtful and compassionate nature. Honestly my wife has the bravest, kindest heart I have ever known.” Jill M. Matteo of Schenectady, N.Y. nominated her best friend, Cheryl Coughlin. She said, “Today, my RRMS is well-managed and I am me again – self-confident, unafraid, grateful, and thankful for her.” MS Focus Activities