18 msfocusmagazine.org When You Are^Having Relapses With relapsing-remitting MS, the one thing you expect is the unexpected. Symptoms worsen or improve by the day – or even the hour – and relapses come out of nowhere. Then there are the days where you feel just fine. Knowing the unpredictability of MS, you don’t expect those good days to last. What happens when they do? During periods of stability, instead of concluding that their disease is well-managed and in remission, people with MS sometimes fall into the trap of several common misconceptions. “I’vetransitionedtosecondary-progressiveMS.” Most people with relapsing-remitting MS are aware of the possibility that, at some point in the course of their disease, they may transition to a secondary-progressive course. At that time, they may experience fewer relapses with more steady progression of disability. However, the absence of relapses by itself does not indicate a transition to secondary-progressive MS. If you are not experiencing worsening or relapses, your MS may be in a period of remission. Continue your regular routine of care and share any concerns you have with your healthcare providers. If your doctor sees no evidence of disease progression, there is no cause for concern. “I don’t need MS treatment anymore.” Thegoalofthedisease-modifyingtreatments prescribed for MS is to slow the progress of the disease and reduce the rate of relapse. If you experience a period with no relapses, that indicates the medication is working well for you. However, some begin to wonder if they need their medication anymore, and if the remission would continue without it. Unfortunately, there is no way to know in advance, and those who choose to stop medications frequently experience severe relapses. Because each relapse can cause further damage, and disease progression can occur even when you are not having relapses, consider carefully whether that is a risk worth taking. “I’m cured.” When a period of stability occurs at the same time as a change in your lifestyle, it’s easy to connect the two things together. Oftentimes, a person may attribute a lack of relapses to a new diet, supplement, exercise plan, or other life change that improves their well-being. Some may even jump to the conclusion that the change they have made is a cure for MS. The word “cure” describes something that fixes the underlying cause of a health problem, ensuring that the condition will not return. The underlying cause of MS is not fully understood, but research suggests it is the result of a complex set of factors and conditions, including genetics, immunity, and environment. It’s unlikely that a lifestyle or nutrition change could alter all the factors involved. While such a change may improve a person’s health and contribute to a period of remission,without changing the underlying cause, it’s possible that MS can return. Life with MS NOT