31 msfocusmagazine.org Keep in mind that the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation is a phone call away to assist you with every aspect of planning an MS fundraiser. Regardless of how big or small, the Foundation has tools to help you succeed in your fundraising goals. A message from Charlie Myrick, MS Focus Development Director: Who doesn’t like pancakes? Other schools and workplaces can consider doing their own MS Focus pancake sale. It’s easy to organize and gets everyone involved. We can show you how. Best of all, we apply the event’s proceeds directly to our programs and services. To learn more, please contact Rob Beasley at rbeasley@msfocus.org or call 800-225-6495. Never Too Young to Be Involved When March rolls around each year, the staff and parents from Bright Horizons at Boca Raton preschool know it’s that time once again to do their part to support MS Focus’ programs. Their Pancake Sale for MS Focus is a much-anticipated event. The administration provides the pancakes, and the staff and parents do their part to ensure it is both a success and fun event for the children. According to teacher Helene Kuperberg, “We’ve been having this one-day event at the school for the past fifteen years. It’s our part to help a great cause. The school and parents are very supportive, and the children have a great time. What could be better?”