33 msfocusmagazine.org Education and Awareness Month® in March. The#MySupportHerocampaignfeaturedpeople with MS and their caregivers on MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts. They encouraged people to share and tag or tweet at their caregivers to show their appreciation. Gwen entered LeRoy in our annual Caregivers’ Night Out contest and he was chosen as one of the winners in 2016. They enjoyed their time out together. However, the followingyear–fiveyearsintoGwen’sdiagnosis – things quickly took a turn for the worse. “I noticed I was forgetting little things,” Gwen said. One day LeRoy came home from work and the kitchen was full of smoke because she had forgotten a pot on the stove. Then Gwen’s disappearance became the last straw. After a family meeting, Pamela gave up her job to take care of Gwen during the day while LeRoy is at work. Pamela cooks, drives herto doctor’s appointments, and runs errands. “I’m so blessed to have a sister that would do that for me,” Gwen said. LeRoy takes over after he gets home from work. He also bathes Gwen, takes her forwalks to stay active, and does the housekeeping. Gwen’s adult daughter and goddaughter are also there for her when she needs anything. The family also implemented rules to keep Gwen safe: she stays within a certain distance from the house, and doesn’t shower or turn on the stove while she’s home alone. But Gwen is rarely home alone. “Both of them put their lives on hold to take care of me.” Gwen says it’s hard to find the words to express her gratitude. “Hallmark don’t make a card that I would be able to give them. I don’t think there are enough flowers that I would be able to give them to let them know how much I appreciate it.” MS Focus also provides free services for caregivers year-round. Our Homecare Assistance Grant works with local agencies that send a care provider to the home so caregivers can take a time for their own needs. The Foundation also offers the annual Caregivers’ Night Out contest where people with MS write about their caregiver to enter to win their caregivers a gift certificate to their favorite restaurant. Submissions will be accepted starting July 15 through Sept. 1