Life with MS Keepingapositiveattitudeinthefaceoflife’s challenges isn’t always easy. Adversity and challenges can come in many different forms, some are small and arrive daily, while others are larger and may show up unexpectedly. But, no matter how adversity strikes, the same rules apply on how we can handle it. Facing a relapse can often be uncharted territory. Navigating this territory takes more than a road map to treatment options.You need to head down the path of positivity. Easier said than done, right? So, how do you handle all that comes your way with a positive attitude? Good question. Start by surrounding yourself with positive people. This will help you remain positive and optimistic. A good support network can make all the difference when you are facing challenges that come along in your life. Think about happy things every day. Set a goal to think about what has made you happy each day. It may be one thing or several things and they can be big or small. Either way, make it a goal to focus on them, smile, and let yourself be happy. Do not worry about things you cannot control. Know that you are doing everything you can to get better. Worrying about things that may or may not happen will only lead to unnecessary stress. Check your self-talk. What thoughts are running through your mind? One of my favorite quotes from Henry Ford is “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.” What we tell ourselves is so important. Our self-talk can make a difference in what we accomplish and achieve. Doing these things will help you create positive thinking, a healthy attitude and go a long way to increasing your overall feeling of well-being. Please welcome these newly affiliated groups: Permian Basin MS Support Group – Odessa, Texas Boulder MS Support Group – Boulder, Colo. Simi Valley MS Support Group – Simi Valley, Calif. Please visit our website at for the meeting dates, times, and locations or to find the support group nearest you. Accentuate The Positive By Kathryn Bradbury 38