3 msfocusmagazine.org I N T H I S I S S U E Relapse and the Immune System: What’s really going on? 12 Understanding relapses is the key to fighting them. Is it a Relapse, a Pseudorelapse, or a Bad Day? 16 Recognize the signs that differentiate between a true relapse and a temporary worsening. When You’re Not Having Relapses 18 For people diagnosed with relapsing MS, a lack of relapses can be confusing. MS and Headaches 28 Shedding light on the latest research about migraines, headaches, and MS. Giving Back: 30 A Marine Corps veteran with MS keeps his fighting spirit. My Two Support Heroes 32 During National MS Education and Awareness Month, we took time out to recognize those who provide support. The Essence of Essential Oils 34 Using essential oils is an ancient practice getting new attention. Why? Getting a Mile Out of an Inch 36 Making the most out of exercise and wellness opportunities with the MS Focus Health and Wellness Grant. Finding Better Days in March 42 Relive the highlights of another great National MS Education and Awareness Month campaign. Our Focus 6 Inbox 8 Read. Watch. Listen. 10 MS Focused 11 Spotlight 20 My Story 22 Empowered 38 Takeaways 41 Doctor’s Notes 46 RX Update 49 MS Hacks 52 Play on Words 55