interacting with someone from the MS community.” With nearly 18 years of memories, Sherrol has one that stands out. “Our first Patient Education Program in San Juan, Puerto Rico, was very memorable.IgrewupinPuertoRico, so to be part of a big educational event on the island that I grew up on was absolutely amazing and onememorythatIwillneverforget. The clients and their families were so grateful that we were able to bring this event to them, many of which traveled for hours to attend and to listen to Dr. (Angel) Chinea and Dr. (Ben) Thrower. It was very touching and I was so happy to be a part of that.” After nearly two decades of servingtheMScommunity,Sherrol’s drive to help is as strong now as it was when she first started at MS Focus. “I truly love working at MS Focus. The people here are my family. My favorite part of working here has always been helping our clients and their families. Nothing is more fulfilling or rewarding than being able to offer help and support to the MS community.” 21 HFAD (Hip Flexion Assist Device) is intended for individuals with Multiple Sclerosis who are currently ambulatory, but have dif culty initiating swing due to hip exor weakness. The HFAD is designed to improve gait and consists of a comfortable waist band and two dynamic tension bands that attach to the shoe. The device may be worn over or under clothing and should only be used under the direction of a physical therapist or orthotist. To purchase the HFAD, a physician’s prescription is required for both the HFAD and Gait Training. For more information, please visit, or call 888-344-0450 to speak with one of our customer service representatives. R E H A B I L I T A T I O N P R O D U C T S p: 888.344.0450 f: 248.588.5351 Scan the QR Code to view an informative video on the HFAD Put a spring in your step with the HFAD!  “The HFAD is amazing. My foot is able to lift off the ground and I am able to walk with much more stability and endurance than I have in the past two years.” Alina M. Willing I truly love working at MS Focus. The people here are my family.