45 msfocusmagazine.org On March 29, restaurants across the country supported the vital programs MS Focus offers to those in need by donating a portion of their sales. More than 200 restaurants participated. We asked the MS community to “dine out” and “shout out.” Dining out meant selecting a participating location, then bringing a flyer from our website and buying dinner to support the cause. Shouting out meant sharing on social media or handing the flyers out to friends and family in the days before the event. Across the country, friends of the Foundation supported the effort. In areas that didn’t have a participating location, they helped find local restaurants that wanted to support the MS cause. In the town of Copperhill, Tenn., for example, MS Focus Outreach Ambassador Twyla Cochran arranged an event at Bradford’s Bar-B-Q that not only raised $600 for programs that help people in need, but also raised awareness of MS in the tight-knit community. • March 29, Paramus, N.J. In Dr. Miriam Franco’s, second program of the month, she stressed the point that good emotional health is important. The rate of depression in MS is three to four times higher than the general population. Depression can increase fatigue. Regular exercise decreases depression.