29 msfocusmagazine.org at the European Committee for Treatment and Research in MS annual meeting in Paris in October 2017, increases the estimate to close to a million people in the United States who have MS. Many people with MS may have migraines simply because they have one uncommon diagnosis – MS – and one common one – migraine. So, everyone with a migraine has a headache, but not everyone with a headache has a migraine. There are many other types of headaches. Some people with migraines also happen to have MS and some people with MS have migraines. Sometimes this is simply coincidental, but sometimes the MS itself may be to blame for the migraines. What is a migraine? Migraines are a type of primary headache disorder (meaning that they are not generally thought to be caused by something else, like a mass) where a person has headaches that are usually on one side of the head, although the side may change and they may be on both simultaneously. They are usually moderate to severe in intensity, last for longer than four hours if not treated, get worse with activity, feel throbbing and pulsating or are duller or more stabbing. The migraine headache is also accompanied by nausea and/or difficulty with light and loud noises. While some people have warning signs for migraines – often sparkling lights or other visual symptoms, called “auras” – this is less common. Migraines without auras are called “common migraines,” while migraines with auras are called “classic migraines.” Recent research suggests the role of calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) as a chemical messenger that is elevated in migraines, and medications that bind to CGRP or its receptors are being evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration as migraine specific treatments. Does the recent article answer the question about whether headache is an MS symptom? Unfortunately, the recent article by Gebhardt and colleagues does not offer a definitive answer to the question of whether there is an MS-specific headache that can be counted as an MS symptom. The article does make a compelling case for the need for more research so that people with MS and their doctors have more information in the future.